During the COVID-19 health crisis, the use of telehealth in healthcare delivery has increased rapidly. According to analysts at Forrester Research, the adoption of telemedicine grew at a rapid pace and was expected to hit 1 billion by the year 2020. Another report from Frost and Sullivan consultants mentions that televisits in March 2020 have increased by 50%.

In response to the pandemic situation, states at that time have taken various steps to ensure health care remains accessible while limiting pandemic exposure. CMS has rolled out detailed guidelines and toolkits for Medicare, Medicaid, and nonfederal payers to provide telehealth coverage to the patients. Following the federal guidance and CMS policies, almost all states have taken steps to make telehealth available for the beneficiaries. Prior to the pandemic, most states were hesitant to adopt telehealth due to factors like inadequate budget for resources, technology limitations, concerns around quality and outcomes, and the risk of fraud in claims. However, the current situation has forced the policy makers to push telehealth as one of the key priorities amongst all stakeholders in the provider and payer industries.

Policymakers have taken swift measures to eliminate the biggest barriers to the adoption of telehealth.

According to the State Medicaid & CHIP Telehealth Toolkit published in April 2020, key areas of change included — expanding the population that is eligible to receive telehealth, updating the list of covered healthcare services that can be delivered through telehealth, augmenting more provider types that may deliver telehealth and lastly allowing the use of audio/video technologies to aid telehealth service delivery for real-time interactive communication.

Similar policies have been rolled out for Medicare telehealth as well. The Medicare policies have also removed the location limits in order to allow health care to be delivered from non-medical facilities like patients’ home. In addition, the requirement to have an existing patient-provider relationship to avail telehealth service has also been dropped.

Payers are responsible for maintaining updated provider directories so that patients can seek virtual health care and avoid possible exposure.

The change in telehealth guidelines has significantly impacted on how payers adjusted their online directories for the consumers to access accurate information. As the system becomes agnostic to factors like pre-existing provider relationship, provider location and type of technology used for telemedicine, the key information that patients will be seeking for is the telehealth status of provider offices.

With more and more providers offered virtual health care services, it is important that provider directories are updated frequently to reflect telehealth status, equipping patients to find out the availability of provider and telehealth services. The health plans now need to focus on updating their provider directories more regularly. Although this might seem to be a small step towards ensuring accessibility to care, this will have a far-reaching impact on patient health and overall population wellbeing. ​​​​

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